Beijing Ag
These are the musings, meddlings, and muddlings of a Texas Aggie in the Orient.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Dinner with Germers
Germer: noun, Chinese Origin (slang) (1) an informal word for greeting or addressing a good friend; roughly equivalent to the American slang term, “home boy.” (2) an informal term which Zachry employees have been using to describe persons of Chinese origin.
So two Thursdays ago, I had a dinner date with two germers...
Stephen, Nick and I were invited to eat “real Chinese food” by our hotel’s door man, Leo Sun, or more commonly known to the Zachry crew by his English name, “Styles-Pimpin.”
Let me elaborate on the type of guy who chooses such a unique name for himself. “Styles” is the guy in the red uniform who opens the door for us every time we come back from work and greets us with “Nee-hao, goo-evening, How-sit-goin, what-sup,” and, the phrase I taught him, my personal favorite, “howdy-yaw.” He got his English nickname from two different employees (probably inebriated) at the same time. One called him styles and the other called him pimpin’, and Leo Sun liked both so he took on Styles as his English first name and Pimpin as his last.
Styles is a favorite with the Zachry guys because he speaks decent English; his language skills have much improved during our stay here because every Zachry employee who goes in or out of the hotel will often exchange a few words with him. As you can tell by his chosen name, he especially loves to learn American slang.
I loaned Leo Sun my camera a while back to take a picture with a Chinese TV star who stayed in our hotel overnight, and in return he offered dinner. Now I am not one to refuse an invitation to free food, even when it threatens to be “real Chinese.” Styles brought another germer and Stephen and Nick were the only of my friends who were brave enough to come along.
The food was awesome! We ate lamb leg drumsticks, lamb-kebobs, peanuts and green beans, noodle soup (our hosts said that the noodles were each over a meter long; there might have only been enough room for ten noodles in that big bowl.) and several ping pijio. Styles knows just enough English, and I just enough Chinese that we and our friends could talk and joke together for more than an hour and not run out of things to say.
This is a very unique kind of friendship. Styles and I communicate every day in a blending of English and Chinese which takes a lot of patience and verbal creativity, but is really good practice for both of us. Still, in a friendship like this one, the language barrier still prevents us from talking about deeper, more complicated and abstract subjects like religion, and women.
These are the first two bonafide Chinese friends I have made in this country, and they are a lot of fun to hang out with. I hope that before I leave here, my communication skills develop enough so that I can transcend surface conversation and talk about the more abstract.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Hohut vs Beijing
I like Hohut better than
The people of Hohut are very different. They are much more laid back, not used to seeing foriegners, and they were not all trying to sell me something. They also speak very little English there. I think that in Hohut more people were genuinely interested in where I came from and what brought me here, whereas in
If I had the choice of living in Hohut or
Here are a few pictures of some extreme Mongolian hiking:
Long Day
Wow, that's an ugly picture...
My blog may give you the false impression that all is fun and games here in
After three months on the job, I will never again take another which makes me come in on Sundays. One Sunday a month is still too many; God knew what he was doing when he told the Hebrews to rest one day a week – and I would really like to have two. So in this time of sifting I have found that one of the those things which I value most in life is the weekend. It keeps me sane.
That said, I still love my job; when I wake up in the morning I never dread coming to work because I like my crew and my boss, and every day brings new challenges. Every moment I have spent in
Wish me luck at work tomorrow!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Destination: Inner Mongolia
I traveled to Hohut with Jay during a rare three day weekend to visit his friend Kelly who graduated from Texas A&M. Hohut is the capital of Inner Mongolia Province, which is part of China. The Chinese call Mongolia the country (not part of China) Outer Mongolia, the capital of which is Ulaan Batur. (This is an example of Chinese percieving things in their relationship to China, the center country) Inner Mongolia is one of the four "autonomous regions" of China, which means there are minorities which historically, have not enjoyed being part of China. Consequently, there is more military presence and the local populous is watched more closely than in other regions without minorities. To me this seems opposite of being autonomous, but whatever. Kelly showed us some great Mongolian food and introduced us to some of her Mongolian friends in the music scene.
Kelly (above, seated next to Jay) is actually quite popular in the province because she has studied and preformed Mongolian folk music for the last two years; she is probably the only white person in the world who does so. Kelly has made several tv spots and participated in a few big
music festevals - her neighbors enjoy living near someone so famous!
Here are some photos from the Hui (sp?) Muslim section of town. Walking through the streets here felt more like Qatar than China, except that the people wearing robes and headresses were Chinese!
There is also a substantial Buddhist population in Hohut. We saw some beautiful Buddhist temples and met a group of young Buddhist pupils studying in a monastary at the foot of the mountains north of the city. No pictures allowed inside, so all I can show you is the gate, and a monument outside the monastary called an "Ov-vo." Mongolian tradition says that if one carries a stone to a holy place, or a high place that God will remember their struggles on earth after they die. Ov-vo is a pile of stones which Mongolians have carried to these pilgrimage hotspots.
Brave Soul, Tough Stomach
This is the one picture I have of myself and friends eating American food! Every meal here has been an adventure, but I have enjoyed all of it... without getting sick! God has blessed me with unusual cullinary courage, and a stomach of steel!
Here are some things which I have enjoyed these past few months, some of which I never would have ordered in the USA.