Out on the Town
These pictures are from our first evening out in Hong Kong Thursday (Thanksgiving) night . We ate dinner on Victoria peak, the tallest mountain peak on hong Kong Island, a popular tourist stop which
offers an incredible view of the city sky line.
Dinner was great, but the turkey, the stuffing, and the desserts (not to mention family) were absent. Our feast consisted of stuffed dove, french fries, a bottle of Australian wine, and lots of sea food.
Hong Kong is Jacki Chan's hometown, and he is a pretty big deal there. You can see me posing with a full scale model of the Kung Fu King himself. We also met up with an indian guy who os trying to bring Elvis' chops, his sideburns and 60's har back from the dead.
I'm not recognizing any of those clothes you have on as one's we packed for the trip to China. Looks like you've been spending some time in those fabric stores and getting your clothes tailor made! Love, Mom
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