Beijing Ag
These are the musings, meddlings, and muddlings of a Texas Aggie in the Orient.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Men In Black
Saturday evening was freakin' sweet! I helped out at the American
Chamber of Commerce Beijing Charity Ball. For the price of being a crowd plant in the mini-show (me in costume, see right,) I got to hob-nob with the affluent of Beijing while eating complimentary food and sipping complimentary drinks. For a guy who gets a kick out of meeting new people, networking, and eating, this was the party of parties!
I was not alone, my friend John (cone-head on left) was the star of the mini-show, and three other friends are members of the feature band.
The event was fantastically organized - they really went all-out! Our theme was Men in Black, so everyone showed in black suits and tuxes.
Here's the band. That's Rich on the trumpet and Joe on the mic. Tanya also sang backup female vocalist. These guys are very talented - I was/still am very impressed.
Friday night was the Regen Formal – our closing event of the year for youth group before the kids all leave for vacation this summer. Most will travel back to the states or their respective home countries for a while to visit family and friends. We had a great time!
The youth leaders (that’s me) might have enjoyed the formal even more than the kids. Most of us used this event as an excuse to get new dresses and suits tailored, (fitted dress cloths are the norm for us in
(at a church formal!) All around, this was a great way to end the youth-group year. This uniqe group of students and leaders has defined my
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Urban Tribe
From Wikipedia
"Urban tribes are groups of people in urban areas who have some kind of close association based upon similar lifestyles or activities. Subcultures, such as urban tribes, are more common in larger cities where the enormous size and complexity of the society create a sense of alienation or isolation on the level of the individual. This, in turn, can lead to the (official or unofficial) formation of urban tribes in which people effectively unite behind a common interest to create a smaller-scale community within a larger, overall society.
Although the phrase urban tribe implies nothing about age or marriage, Ethan Watters defines urban tribes as groups of never-married's between the ages of 25 and 45 who gather in common-interest groups and enjoy the urban lifestyle."
So I've gone tribal. Cool, huh?
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Saying Goodbye
Let's go Fly a Kite
Baseball is to the
I will miss this city. I never thought that Beijing would become home; I have been content living here. But I know that this season of life is coming to an end and I'll be back in school soon. One day, I think I will return to Beijing.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
More things I never thought I'd pick up in China...
1. Snowboarding
2. Salsa
3. Guitar
4. Chinese Folk Dance
5. Chinese Cooking
Things I Never thought I'd do in China...
Something I never expected to pick up in China:
Skateboarding - aren't those kneepads awesome???
But I guess that's what happens when I befriend the owner of a snow and skateboard shop. Tuan is a really cool guy - he's an avid boarder on all turfs - snow, surf, and pavement.
So on Monday I learned how to stand on a skateboard, then how to go straight, then how to turn. I picked up a couple of simple tricks as well - maybe next time I'll learn to grind...
Friday, May 04, 2007
It is Well
Have you ever been completely at peace? I'm not just talking about the kind of contentment that comes after eating a good meal, or relieving yourself after a long car trip, or from napping in the grass on a sunny day after finishing a stressful exam. To be completely emotionally and spiritually at peace; no anxiety, no nagging ambition, no worries. A moment of this kind of peace – to be really satisfied with what is – is a gift from above.
My time in Beijing is nearly finished - I expect to return to Texas June 16th, and I am content with the way my time has been spent. My expectations for this year were not met - they have been exceeded a thousand-fold! This has been an incredibly full year, I could never have guessed that I would do the things I have done, see the places I have seen, and met some of the most incredible people there could possibly be. Life is full of surprises - you just have to be open to guidance from the one who directs our paths, and be ready for an adventure!Day 3: Rainy Li River Cruise
And still it rains...Not at all discouraged, Rahman and I signed up for an early morning river cruise. Adrianna opted to continue sleeping until 10:00 again! The scenery is ridiculously cool, the mountains look especially magical in a misty rain, but I do wish we could have seen the countryside in full sun at least once. I’ll just have to go back sometime!
There is one thing you should know about traveling in China. Most of the Chinese tourists have never left their own country, and many have never even seen anyone who is not Chinese - so they wanted pictures with us. The blond-headed Polish and German girls we met were also very popular with Chinese tourists.
Chinese Cooking Class
So the three of us are in a Chinese wonderland and the weather will not cooperate. I love rain; it has a very soothing effect on me – especially in the morning when rain drops are falling against the window and among the leaved in the trees. However, we were all really hoping to some hard-core biking and hiking on day two, so what do three travelers do on a rainy day in Yangshuo? Well, Adrianna and Rahman slept in until ten-o-clock and I spent all morning learning to cook Chinese food from the chef across the street.
Rats on a String!
Back at the hotel, I and a few other eager tourists learned to make fried dumplings, a Chinese salad, a pork stir-fry dish, and a duck dish. The food was excellent, and the company was good as well.