A year in Beijing does strange and sometimes terrible things to the people here. We will all leave this city changed, some for better and some for worse. There is one guy here that was homeschooled nearly his entire life, postponed college for a year to come here, and he is really growing as a man: learning how to make friends with a wide range of people, sticking with his faith away from home, and becoming more assertive. I love to see a solid young man earn the respect of his peers, even though they may not share common faith and values. On the flip side of the coin, there are stories of men who began their contract totally devoted to wives, family, girlfriends; but slipped up so much over here that after a year that they despised themselves and their loved ones back home. I overheard one guy say, “My wife and kids are visiting... I can’t wait for them to leave.” These words wrench my emotions; even if the wife never finds out, the marriage is permanently damaged.
As for me, I strive to serve the Lord daily. Some days are harder than others, and there are people here whom I lose patience with – but those times have been few. I have not drunk myself under a table yet, and do not intend to. I am still having tons of fun, and still walking straight and narrow. Your prayers are always appreciated!
Keep the faith, nephew! I'm praying for you. -Beth
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